Monday, August 12, 2019

Recipe (sort of): Tortilla Stew

What do you do with leftover potatoes, carrots, and au jus from the roast beef?

Well, first you take some brisket that you have in the freezer and you thaw it and cut it up (hamburger will work just fine, brown it off in a skillet before adding). Then, you add a small can of V8, a teaspoon or more of cumin a little bit of coriander, and add a cup of hatch chile wine you picked up at Sprouts. Simmer it for most of the day, in about an hour before you're ready to eat stir in a little bit of cornstarch mixed with water.

When you serve it, throw in a few tortilla #chips and you have Tortilla Stew!

This recipe was given a 9.5 by a roommate who says he doesn't want the cook's head to get too big, or he would have given it a 10.

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